Kyadondo Rugby Club i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaKyadondo Rugby Club


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Jinja Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256
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Latitude: 0.324791, Longitude: 32.607849

kommentar 5

  • Melody Naluyima

    Melody Naluyima


    Great music... Great pork... Great people.. Nice place to take a cold Guinness....... And the rugby is good

  • Nandy MariahAssumpta

    Nandy MariahAssumpta


    Great game. Great music. Great people. Great roast

  • Cansın ARSLAN

    Cansın ARSLAN


    Night clubs. Good music. Nice ambiance. Good location.

  • en

    Mukisa Travor


    Its a very awesome chilling spot after work in the evining. Watching rugby,, the most delicious pork around town.. Good music

  • Leonard Were

    Leonard Were


    Looking for an open space to hang out with your buds on any day of the week? Love the smell of fresh air peppered with the aroma of barbecued pork, chucked accompanied with music in an open air sitting? You have arrived. Here you mingle with the crowd, could catch a game of rugby on a Saturday afternoon and party till late. A word of caution though: as you mingle, have your wits about you, if you drive in, you'll do well to ensure there are no valuables in your car (and be ready to expect the possibility of vandalisation of your car). On the whole though, a relatively secure place.

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