The Mackinnon Suites Kampala i Kampala

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UgandaThe Mackinnon Suites Kampala



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Mackinnon Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4259952
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.321337, Longitude: 32.584708

kommentar 5

  • Oshunkoya Babs

    Oshunkoya Babs


    Good simple clean place. Room was ok and the staffs were generally nice and ready to help . Wi-Fi didn't work but I had mobile data so really didn't care Was a generally ok hotel

  • Bernadette Ssanyu

    Bernadette Ssanyu


    I went to one of their halls, I assume they have more than one. It is terrible. There are columns all over the place. We couldn't see the presenters or their presentations. The sound was bad. Worse still, the room was not well ventilated. A portable a/c unit was brought to save the day but it was noisy, making listening to the presentations even more problematic.

  • en

    Christopher Edakasi Okello


    Service is great, ambiance is lovely

  • Jon Onyango

    Jon Onyango


    Ample silent atmosphere with gd customer service, nice meals served at affordable and competitive prices

  • Bimeny Ponsiano

    Bimeny Ponsiano


    It's gorgeous here, I would definitely recommend it if you are looking for something a long the range of upper market. It stands in a beautiful Kololo Hillside, behind Garden city. Next to the hotel is the golf course, Kololo airstrip, the two biggest shopping malls of Oasis and Garden city

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