All in Trade Ltd i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaAll in Trade Ltd



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Plot 13/15, Dewinton Rise, Walusimbi's Garage Building, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 31 2106599
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.315955, Longitude: 32.590823

kommentar 5

  • Ssemujju Abdul hakim

    Ssemujju Abdul hakim


    High quality solar energy products at affordable prices and very good technical support and skills

  • Nam Brenda

    Nam Brenda


    I must commend them for the job well done. They delivered beyond my expectations right from purchase as they helped me understand what system I needed. Customer service is top notch, they have the best technical team and they are still available whenever I need their help. Am truly enjoying my solar system

  • Aeesha Nabulya

    Aeesha Nabulya


    My Experience with you is super cool. Love associating with you

  • Nsereko Allan

    Nsereko Allan


    All in Trade Ltd is among the finest Solar Company in Uganda with Quality,friendly and reliable products with a wide range of choice

  • Kari NurserySchool

    Kari NurserySchool


    A reliable partner. All In Trade installed a free power solar system at Kari N.T Nursery Schoo in 2014. The system has worked well and they have supported us with assistance and extensions at agreed rates every time we has needed help. They communicate very well and they perform agreed work at the agreed price.

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