Basil's dental clinic kampala i Kampala

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UgandaBasil's dental clinic kampala


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Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 772 728222
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Latitude: 0.3405685, Longitude: 32.5906577

kommentar 5

  • Jordan jck

    Jordan jck


    Very very dope place. I can now smile confidently

  • Amanda T. Agaba-Ntambiko

    Amanda T. Agaba-Ntambiko


    I walked into Basil's dental with anxiety, trauma from several dental experiences as a child. Shame that I hadn't done better( to all my people in the diaspora who can't afford good dental fear not). Finally I had to go in, or risk having no teeth in my most divine years yet to come. I called and tried to worm out of the appointment but the front office stuff Annet graciously encouraged me to just make it for the first conversation she didn't shame me and I made it bright and early. The accolades of training on the wall, the calming music and great front staff helped me hold it together. Clean bathrooms and space - great. I am big on reading so I appreciated the brochures of what to expect- 'so well done by the way' . Since they were calm children in the waiting area I didn't cry. Latif the dental surgeon assistant, lovely young man invited me in and then I started with the tears, he said sorry and told me nothing would hurt. As you can tell I have a lot of words so I told him my back story and he listened,we talked about Nike's which I had on and when we did the xrays my tears were rolling down he provided tissue and continued to support without shaming. Then the Dental Surgeon Dr Geoffrey Bataringaya came in, and rather than rumble on about my problems, welcomed me asked me about what I felt. Now, I could tell he is an expert but the surgeon didn't talk down to me, he empathized with my fear and shared suggestions for a treatment plan after a thorough examination.He remained steadfast on the best options. I loved that It was respectful conversation but also my confidence immediately went up, was so clear he knew what he was doing. Am thrilled and if you are looking for a good mix of expert( and I have been to dentists in the America's), empathy and motivation go to Basil dental. Today I conquered a big giant these dentists may never know what they sparked new courage! World class go for it! P.S This is not paid advertisements!

  • Christopher Ssewagudde

    Christopher Ssewagudde


    Basil Dental staff are warm, welcoming and deliver professional services

  • debbie ntege

    debbie ntege


    I love the customer service and professionalism in this place. Took my daughter for a dental check up , she was crying and screaming but the doctors were amazing..Doctor Nuwagaba and Latif were just so great at it. They calmed her down and the appointment went well. Plus we got free tooth brushes for the kids which they loved... there is a place for a wheelchair..toilets are very clean. The ambience is just ballistic..loved it😍😍😍

  • Javed Akhtar

    Javed Akhtar


    Highly recommended! Very good service! Had my teeth done there! Trust me you won’t go wrong! Compared to all other dentals we have here in Kampala one of the best! Doctor Billy brilliant for kids

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