Century Cinemax Acacia Mall i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaCentury Cinemax Acacia Mall



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Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 700 660415
internet side: centurycinemax.co.ug
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.3383322, Longitude: 32.586792

kommentar 5




    The sound is great and I luckily landed on two seats that had no arm separation. It upped my entire experience through the roof. I didn't struggle to whisper to my neighbour. Can we make these arm rests adjustable or can the booking office know these seats to offer them on request?

  • Andrew KD

    Andrew KD


    Currently Uganda's number one Cinema with 4 screens. Also currently Uganda's only cinema with Dolby Atmos; giving a worthwhile 3D surround experience. Movies show with a few days of the international premier (a day or two) which allows you to be part of the movie hype. The four screening halls are spacious and comfortable.

  • d b12

    d b12


    Arguably the best cinema around town. Great movies. Time keeping is a few minutes off though. Great experience nonetheless.

  • David Kawaida

    David Kawaida


    Probably best cinema in Kampala (there's only 2 good ones by the way) located in Acacia Mall, Kisementi. You can see all blockbuster movies here right from the time they premier. Note: You must buy 3D glasses or come with your own at this cinema.

  • en

    Jese Ekanya


    I like the sounding and the seats are comfortable. The A.C. is not only cold but adds a freshness to the movie experience. Capped of by excellent customer service and moderate pricing,it's the best cinema in Uganda.

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