Game Lugogo i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaGame Lugogo



🕗 åbningstider

Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 31 2350400
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.3265461, Longitude: 32.6072302

kommentar 5

  • Michelle Kiisa

    Michelle Kiisa


    Game continues to thrive above all others in its category here in Uganda. It has everything from gummy bears to sofa sets. The store has recurring sales throughout the year allowing you to purchase the already affordable products at a lower price. The customer service is impeccable and service delivery is as of now unmatched.

  • Akankwatsa Daphine

    Akankwatsa Daphine


    Too bad numbers put on the website are never picked up. Returned a blender that was faulty and I was told they were gonna get back to me up to now no feedback. I call the numbers. Indicated on the documents i filled which is same as website and no one ever picks up. I have no communication from them nothing I literally have to keep hopping back and forth to the store yet I stay far It's a good store but please work on your communication.

  • Farm with Cloverdale

    Farm with Cloverdale


    Has ample parking space , about 3 restaurants, has over 4 banks and the prices in Game are relatively okay. It also has washrooms in the corner on the left as you enter (they are not that visible). Finally, they usually have mini weekly sales that you can check out in newspapers or on their social media pages before you go to purchase the items.

  • Benson Njoroge

    Benson Njoroge


    Shop all under one roof..

  • agaba edd

    agaba edd


    it's cool, being at game. one stop center

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