Good Glass i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaGood Glass



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50, Bukoto Street, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 775 360067
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.3410975, Longitude: 32.5891535

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daegeon Ko


    great idea for recycling bottles. it is good for decorating room.

  • Ernest Tuape

    Ernest Tuape


  • 이지희



    There are many special goods especially glasses thing. It can be usually expensive than other craft maket. At least 30000ush~/ there is apparel shop Nd tree shop next to this place. Very cosy placy

  • Brian Alcorn

    Brian Alcorn


    I really like this place, it's very quirky and they make beautiful and stylish household items from old glass bottles. Either cut and repurposed, or melted down to something that is just as intricate. It's all very tasteful. Not everything is made from glass, and they partner with other organisations to stock things like scented candles or wooden crafts and kitchen utensils. Definitely worth a look. You won't be disappointed!

  • en

    Justin Ho


    A nice little shop which creates glass homeware from upcycled glass bottles collected from around Kampala. I'm told by the shop keeper Jane that all the bottles are processed and handled by Ugandans as well! A very cool little find with some neat souvenirs or bits and bobs for the home - I'm now set on getting the chandelier!

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