Kaliro Country Resort i Eastern Region

UgandaKaliro Country Resort



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Kamuli Road, Kaliro, Eastern Region, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 776 482436
internet side: www.kalirocountryresort.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.8937602, Longitude: 33.4978496

kommentar 5

  • Henry Kibedi

    Henry Kibedi


    Good environment for private retreat over the week and very entertaining over the weekend

  • Hunter Foote

    Hunter Foote


    Excellent modern rooms. Well appointed and updated. Many of the rooms, however, do not have air conditioning. Beyond that, an excellent place. Fairly convenient if you are heading up to any of the locations to the north, and you would rather not stay in Iganga.

  • Ivan Ddungu

    Ivan Ddungu


    Clean rooms, toilets, beddings and bathrooms with warm water. Large grass / tree area, conducive for relaxing and sitting for those who want to concentrate and catch up on some office work. Fully stocked bar with a wide variety of drinks.

  • Musali Mark

    Musali Mark


    Bearable for its location but the value for money limited especially the meals particularly breakfast

  • Charles Kiwuuwa

    Charles Kiwuuwa


    The bathrooms in the Deluxe rooms are extremely uncomfortable. Its not hygienic to combine the squat pan and bathroom. Otherwise the bedroom is spacious and thus OK.

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