Nalubale Rafting i Jinja

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UgandaNalubale Rafting



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Kiira Road, Jinja, Wilaya ya Jinja, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 782 638938
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.433987, Longitude: 33.197244

kommentar 5

  • Falon Opsahl 'student'

    Falon Opsahl 'student'


    Great service, great guides, overall great experience. Breakfast and lunch are included (and tasty). They also offer to pick you up and drop you off, so it's extremely convenient. Highly recommend!

  • Tabitha Muchaba

    Tabitha Muchaba


    best adrenaline ever..... am hydrophobic and I knew from beginning that the idea was crazy .. it is still a crazy idea ... I can't believe am alive, breathing with every single part of my body intact ... #EBENEEZER Nalubale team is a good team, the life savers with the canoe gave me a bit of hope --- I was like - they going to save me ..... David our guide was perfect ... I like how he understood my fear and never pushed me to go beyond what I can't handle .... I don't think I will repeat this .... but I have ticket my bucket-list --- It was fun

  • Marin Ritmeijer

    Marin Ritmeijer


    Nalubale is an amazing company with a very professional team! They all put a lot of effort in making your experience one to remember. Nasser, our guide, made my day! He and the rest of the team made sure we were safe but also having a fun day. A safety raft is joining you the entire day and there are many guys kayaking along, who 'rescue' you when necessary. I definitely recommend going to this place!

  • en

    Evan Stout


    Wow, this was such an incredible day! I felt safe and like my guide was looking out for me the whole day. Issac the flying panda was my guide and he was such a fun guy, but always professional. I couldn't stop smiling the whole day. The freedom we had with choices of routes to take on the rapids was exciting and felt like we had control. I felt close with the people on my boat by the end of the day. Breakfast and lunch were fresh and delicious and the beers at the end of the day was the perfect end to a perfect day. If you're on the fence, DO IT!

  • en



    Went Saturday, April 21. The guides and rescue kayaks were great at their job. Friendly and made you feel safe. Did a 30 - 45 minute orientation to the commands and how to navigate rapids. The rapids were a great time. Beginners can do this! Thanks for the great day@

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