Pretoria Hotel Mbale in Mbale

UgandaPretoria Hotel Mbale


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Maluku, Mbale, Mbale, UG Uganda
kontakte telefon: +256 39 2887634
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 1.0698724, Longitude: 34.1650354

kommentare 5

  • Kutosi ivan masete

    Kutosi ivan masete


    This is a very nice hotel to recommend to someone

  • Kwagala Monica patrick

    Kwagala Monica patrick


    it's a good place to stay for work and business good food service 8/10

  • nafuna racheal

    nafuna racheal


    Good place with nice services, looking for a place for your function, look no more just visit there and you won't regret

  • Kiiza Wilson

    Kiiza Wilson


    It is located in a quiet place, so there are no worries about noise. I have my first experience of eating the Bamasa's cuisine, malewa. The place gives you the scenic view of the Wanale Hill. Their rooms are big however, they need to work on their showers as they are not in good condition.

  • Abdul Mambo Bukenya

    Abdul Mambo Bukenya


    It's a good hotel. With relatively large rooms. Not far from the town. The place is large, and can accommodate more than 100 guests. No frequent power shortages, nor water. Get to enjoy freedom which is unlimited. Security is available. And cleanliness is evident as you enter this place. However, for convenience, carry your extension cable.

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