Pretoria Hotel Mbale i Mbale

UgandaPretoria Hotel Mbale


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Maluku, Mbale, Mbale, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 39 2887634
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Latitude: 1.0698718, Longitude: 34.1650189

kommentar 5

  • Sekimpi William

    Sekimpi William


    The proprietor of the hotel is always on ground to ensure that customers get all necessary confort

  • en

    Masereka Reuben


    Lovely community and cold weather

  • Innocent Lukwago

    Innocent Lukwago


    Pretoria hotel it's a good place in mbale city. They have enough parking space good environment around. In addition, room service is ok and very nice meeting hall. I love it too in the other way traffic. I encourage all of you.

  • en

    Simon Mutama


    Okay place with acceptable affordable room and board. Internet and safety assured

  • en

    Cynthia Maende


    The rooms are clean and comfortable. The socket is far from the bed so do not plan to Facebook while resting. The breakfast is balanced.

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