Richy Hotels and Safaris i Mbale

UgandaRichy Hotels and Safaris


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Plot 28, Aryada Street, Nkokonjeru, Mbale, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 777 767567
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Latitude: 1.0746584, Longitude: 34.1820884

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Oire (Erio)

    Andrew Oire (Erio)


    We had a good time at Richy! From the moment we contacted Richard, our checkin, a trip to Wanale Hill and attending the Elgon Festival. Richard and George made sure we had a pleasant experience.

  • Barista Henry tips Uganda

    Barista Henry tips Uganda


    Richy hotels and Safaris has first class accommodation and restaurant. Has amazing safari packages. I recommend them

  • Paul Mukhwana

    Paul Mukhwana


    It's a very quiet and nice place. The food was really good and the staff are welcoming. I can't wait to go back.

  • Tolbert Aroma

    Tolbert Aroma


    Spent a night in one of there facilities, the beds are comfortable, hot showers, rooms are big and have enough space to even work out same to the loos… I would love to spend another night.

  • Sarah Grobe

    Sarah Grobe


    It's a very nice and calm place with super friendly stuff. You feel very welcome, it's like a second home. The rooms are clean and have an own bathroom with hot shower. They even do Safaris to a reasonable price, I enjoyed the Wanale Hill and the coffee tour very much, thank you Richy! It's a wonderful place!

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