Sandton Hotel Kasese i Kasese

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaSandton Hotel Kasese



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Rwenzori Road, Kasese, Kasese, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 701 489055
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Latitude: 0.176303, Longitude: 30.0806492

kommentar 5

  • Robz Nsalasatta

    Robz Nsalasatta


    Lovely rooms, with access and a fan. Yummy breakfast. Good customer care. Loved it

  • Gustavus Ssebampitako

    Gustavus Ssebampitako


    Perfect for a 3 star hotel. We actually decided to stay an extra day because this place exceeded our expectations in all aspects

  • Pablo Aparicio

    Pablo Aparicio


    We have been just at the restaurant. Nice place, nice staff and I strongly recommend to try goat sizzling!! Scholar make it even better!!

  • m reddy

    m reddy


    Had a wonderful time at Sandton hotel in Kasese,....Good so fresh and tasty,Hygiene at the hotel is 10/10...Smiling,polite,humble,loving team. Especially the young old called Sunnitah.The security is paramount.




    A great stopover in Kasese town. The staff is friendly and give good service. The rooms are air conditioned though the town has high temperatures. The meals too are tasty and served in time since the orders don’t take long.

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