Sheraton Kampala Hotel i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaSheraton Kampala Hotel


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Ternan Avenue, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 31 2322499
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Latitude: 0.3168373, Longitude: 32.5833649

kommentar 5

  • taiwo oguntoye

    taiwo oguntoye


    It was an awesome experience, the meals were fantastic, the staff behaviour was good and professional . Excellent service delivery. Need to also commend a security staff Eva, she does her work and checks on lodgers excellently. Her attitude will want me to always come back. As the Most Famous Twins in African Tourism, will rate the facility 5/5

  • Dawn Elsbree

    Dawn Elsbree


    Luxury hotel at luxury price, worth it if the budget allows. Staff are exceptional, rooms have comfortable beds and nice linens, free secure parking on site, excellent wifi.

  • hadson titus

    hadson titus


    I am giving Sheraton 4star rating, because they have very good services however, in life there is always room for improvement. It is in a secure location, with other good hotels around in case of emergencies. Security is not only good at the hotel but extends some kilometers away Puting in consideration the infrastructure surrounding it

  • Lokii Willy Sam

    Lokii Willy Sam


    Sheraton is an experience. Customer care is a huge consideration. The conference halls are top notch. Well, I have personally not encountered anything I can potentially complain about

  • Dieter



    Breakfast is nice, quality of the food is great. Service in the executive lounge is outstanding, both morning and evening was super friendly and highly professional. Rooms are nice, getting slightly old but well maintained

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