Tadooba Gallery i Mukono

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaTadooba Gallery



🕗 åbningstider

Mukono, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 39 3240264
internet side: www.tadoobagallery.org
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Latitude: 0.3483396, Longitude: 32.7944284

kommentar 5

  • Wild wheels Safaris (Kim stanely Mulondo)

    Wild wheels Safaris (Kim stanely Mulondo)


    An Artists home! Talented youths have made their own world at tadooba Art gallery where they make all the paintings, drawings, sculptures, ceramics and yeah, music. I was overjoyed by the youths their for their love and passion of art. They have intended techniques of their own (feather painting) They plan to set a camp site at the place so they will soon be able to accommodate you when you visit because am sure its too much to appreciate in just a day. Highly recommended

  • Atukwatse Brenda

    Atukwatse Brenda


    Best art gallery to spend time as an artist

  • Eve KN

    Eve KN


    Artistic nice paintings

  • nakayondo rehema

    nakayondo rehema


    The place is strategically located, with a room for expansion. Experienced and upcoming artists, with of good artworks. It gives hopes of many more other better art works.

  • Aturinda Joshua

    Aturinda Joshua


    i love the technique in the art work. very inspiring

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