The Uganda Association of Women Lawyers i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaThe Uganda Association of Women Lawyers



🕗 åbningstider

Plot 11 - Kanjokya Street, Kamwokya/P. O. Box 2157, Kampala, Uganda, Kanjokya Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4530848
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.3482041, Longitude: 32.5963363

kommentar 5

  • Jay Sky

    Jay Sky


    They help vulnerable women and children in legal matters with free legal services

  • Isooba Ivan

    Isooba Ivan



  • Olowo Jerome Stowell

    Olowo Jerome Stowell


    It is a place where vulnerable women are helped; you see a number of women flocking the place

  • en

    Charly Rose


    Their mission statement is "To advance gender equality through the promotion of women's rights" . Well my sister had a different experience all together. The father of her children has refused to look after them, when she run to them for help, they expected her to pay up! ( PAY A BRIBE!) how do THEY help people when you expect them to pay for your help???? Poor vulnerable lady had to give up on the whole process. This organisation is not useful to the public and maybe leaders should look into this, CORRUPTION EXISTS IN THIS ORGANISATION. My sister is still struggling with her children. I believe this organisation is there to help the rich and not the poor!!!!!

  • Assumpta Nalubega

    Assumpta Nalubega


    Good work

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