Definition Africa i Kampala

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UgandaDefinition Africa



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Acacia Avenue, Acacia Mall, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 700 914924
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.3382407, Longitude: 32.5866579

kommentar 5

  • Nana Business

    Nana Business


    This shop is just AMAZING. It's the first time I'm seeing a shop selling african stuff with a high quality and with a sophisticated design. It's definitely the shop to visit in Acacia Mall. Even the story behind this shop and the artist working for this, it's very interesting. I can say definitely that, this shop shows the potential of African artists, shows the capacity of this generation to write another story for the Motherland. Wear, share et trade African culture. The best still to come

  • Isabelle de Mello

    Isabelle de Mello


    Every time I walk into this store, I feel like a's all eye candy and I don't know where to start! I also love that their value chain is all about sourcing within Africa.

  • Mariam Taher

    Mariam Taher


    A lovely store showcasing African pride! They've got a great selection of items, personal and for gifts. Their designs and items are thoughtful, creative, funky and bring life to the ordinary. Staff are welcoming, cheerful and very helpful. I've visited their remarkable store a few times and have never been disappointed with my purchases - commendable consistency and beautiful finishing to their products. Highly recommend the store to support their ethos of African fair trade.

  • kilma patel

    kilma patel


    I love love love this store !! They are so innovative and creative!!! If you’re looking for something that is of great quality, fun , different - look no further ! The staff are always happy and ready to help! My family and friends love the gifts I take them from this store ! Thank you DEFINITION!

  • Imaan Kichou

    Imaan Kichou


    I passed this shop on a trip to the mall on holiday to Uganda. Haven’t been to Uganda in so many years and walking in this shop brought back so many old memories of living in Uganda.The products in the shop seem to really represent the rich culture of Kampala and Africa as a whole. It was really modern and colourful in there as well, I would recommend. If your looking for something to represent your experience of the country or your African roots .. this is a go to place. It was also overall good see how businesses that represent Africa grow.

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