Kampala Fair i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaKampala Fair



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50, Bukoto Street, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 788 405838
internet side: www.kampalafair.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.3415929, Longitude: 32.5896333

kommentar 5

  • Muwawu Sentamu Thabit

    Muwawu Sentamu Thabit


    Is nice

  • Jinkyung Kim

    Jinkyung Kim


    You can find nice dress, for kids as well, pants and more made by kitenge. There are a lot of kinds of patterns, so you will find the one you like. Also, they sell some small stuffs that are good for gifts for your friends and your souvenir. The price is a bit more expensive than making clothing with a tailor, but the quality is better. I bought a dress here, and I love it. Dress available from 120,000 UGX to 200,000 UGX. It is near Acacia Mall, so the location is also good. Workers are kind as well.

  • Kiggundu Sairus

    Kiggundu Sairus


    Nice African fashion of quality

  • Sarah Hodges

    Sarah Hodges


    You can always find something beautiful to buy.

  • Debbie Nutzmann

    Debbie Nutzmann


    Excellent knowledgeable service, excellent products creating a win-win! Well done Kampala fair.

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