Esom School of Music i Kampala

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UgandaEsom School of Music



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Plot 609, Rubaga Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 700 132588
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.3076984, Longitude: 32.5625974

kommentar 5

  • Alucha Robert

    Alucha Robert


    Am Robert a production course student, I loved everything from the first day when I stepped into the school. People are friendly, the teachers are good they ensure you understand, sometimes even sacrifice more time to ensure you get to understand better. They do follow up there students to ensure progress through WhatsApp and phone calls. I really believe am not going to leave the way I came as am going to be a professional in what I do as a producer. I will always do referrals. Continue with the good work.

  • Taremwa Moses

    Taremwa Moses


    Esom School of music is the only school where I have been and students and trainers are cooperative.Being a Piano student, I was always contented that I would get what I came for. This is one of the best Music Schools I've been too. But you must know that you will not get all the practicals skills you need from here. Epsom will prepare you to get the practical skill set you need to prosper in your Music.

  • Atukunda Happy Emarculate

    Atukunda Happy Emarculate


    Before I joined Esom School of music, I had a dream of learning vocal and piano. I decided to enroll in Piano first because I thought singing was easy. After getting guidance from my teacher, I realized I could do both courses at the same time. I was able to acquire both skills in the same period because they have highly professional teachers. I urge you all who are looking for a great school to meet your musical desires to join Esom School of music and you’ll never be disappointed. Thank you Esom Music School.

  • Mc Dominic Savio

    Mc Dominic Savio


    Oh Esom what a lovely school you are. I will sing your name for you are Maine am proud of you and your staff for they made me what I feel and what I love to achieve my desires in music and to reach my goals. You are so promising so late us all Labour hard for you and your feature may be bright.

  • Fiona Aber

    Fiona Aber


    Esom School of music has given me an opportunity to pick up myself and work towards my passion. I walked into the school with no confidence in myself, but the accommodative and super supportive. The words of encouragement and morale boasting of Able, my trainer is a huge contribution to what I see myself becoming after this course. Am very grateful for Esom

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