Nofeka Online Shopping i Kampala

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UgandaNofeka Online Shopping



🕗 åbningstider

Plot 609, Rubaga Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 754 492004
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.3126971, Longitude: 32.5682306

kommentar 5

  • Phiona Nanziri

    Phiona Nanziri


    Nofeka derivers the best quality of cakes ooh so yummy , indeed good product delivery

  • Mara Clara

    Mara Clara


    I ordered a birthday cake for my princess. It was delivered in time and it was yummy and delicious we really enjoyed it's taste. I guarantee you for your best services

  • Byonabye Peter

    Byonabye Peter


    Nofeka exceeded my expectation recently when the charger for the laptop I had bought from them got an issue; when I contacted their customer services personnel, they sent me a brand new charger at no cost at all. I really didn't expect that. My query was resolved within 24 hrs! I will definitely buy more stuff from you Nofeka and will recommend you at the slightest opportunity I get

  • Debie Love

    Debie Love


    My birthday cake was delivered on time and it's taste was out of this world in spite of the fact that it's icing sugar was a bit soft. Working with you was the best experience thumbs up for Nofeka

  • Jackson Kawande

    Jackson Kawande


    I have had an opportunity to shop with Nofeka and enjoyed their services. Its so efficient and cost friendly. I encourage more and more people to shop with Nofeka and also enjoy the same privileges iv enjoyed with working with it.

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