Hunza Darbar i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaHunza Darbar



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Windsor Loop Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256
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Latitude: 0.3371654, Longitude: 32.585336

kommentar 5

  • Akhi lesh

    Akhi lesh


    Nice and tastey Indian food.

  • Beautiful Stories

    Beautiful Stories


    This place changed its name to Air lounge (spell check) Great Indian food. Comfortable seating arrangement, privacy at the maximum, great customer service, and secure parking though small.

  • Muhammad Umar Farooq

    Muhammad Umar Farooq


    A good place to have Indian and Pakistani food in Kampala. Nice seating arrangements and very spacious restaurant. Good if you want to relax and eat away from the traffic and busy roads of kampala.

  • Rozt Kab

    Rozt Kab


    It's very good to throw any kind of showers. I love there outside setting. Very beautiful

  • Camilla Anderberg

    Camilla Anderberg


    Such a great and amazing place. The food is out of this world and the prices really reasonable and the best thing, they are open 24/7! Really liked the setting as well and the only snooker table I could find in Kampala, would highly recommend

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