Kurb i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bukoto 8 Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 752 049737
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 0.3391164, Longitude: 32.5869278

kommentar 5

  • en

    Njambi Karubiu


    The deck is great for a beer and a chat. Plus you have some pretty good food options. I certainly would recommend it for a relaxed evening with friends

  • Michelle Pickering

    Michelle Pickering


    Been here a few times but never a great experience. It's in a great location, nice to people watch, you are on a bit of a roof top, so you're tucked out of the way. But the wait staff are slow to take orders, not friendly, you have to stay on them constantly to bring drinks. Once the food arrives it's tasty but too much hassle to get it. Bathroom untidy without toilet paper.

  • Rodrigo Gerardo

    Rodrigo Gerardo


    This is an open area dining place with the feel of a food truck rally as it has several different vendors in one spot. The individual food options at kurb are absolutely delicious. They have so many great foods and the variety is good for a group. BUT the service at Kurb itself needs much improvement. The wait staff always seems confused about ordering, sometimes they are only waiters for specific vendors so they couldn't order from the different vendors. The checks are all divided by vendors including the drinks which makes it very confusing to sort out a bill with multiple people. Long story short: it's best to just order and pay for your food at the individual vendors and not the wait staff. Still tho, great food

  • Sal Timothy

    Sal Timothy


    Kurb is an open food court located next to acacia mall on. It has a variety of restaurants some of which offer really exotic food like yatai labs, the littler donkey, wing it, and lots more. The service is a little slow but do expect to get shocked by the food its in an open place so don't dare go there if its raining. There is all sorts of people and its a place file diversity. Definitely a good place to hang out.

  • Amaru Kasamba

    Amaru Kasamba


    Such a great addition to Kampala's F&B options! I absolutely LOVE this space! Beautiful vibes and an insanely wide range of delicious food options- both local and international. I love the look of the space as well and how it makes you feel transported into another part of the world!

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