4x4 Car Hire Kampala i Kampala

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Uganda4x4 Car Hire Kampala



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Bukoto Kisasi Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 781 000680
internet side: www.4x4carhirekampala.com
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Latitude: 0.3637861, Longitude: 32.5986414

kommentar 5

  • Twin Eva

    Twin Eva


    Best Car Rental Service. We booked a car to bunyonyi and it was very perfect after 1 month. I recommend this company

  • Moritz Henri

    Moritz Henri


    Amazing Services. We booked an Airport pick and drop plus gorilla permits for our 2 days gorilla trekking in Bwindi. They are arrived in time and the car was very good. Driver Julius is also well knowledgeable. Overall performance of this company is excellent. I will use them again. Thanks very much Leonardo

  • Jacob Renderopl

    Jacob Renderopl


    Simply perfect! It was the second time I rented for self driving with 4x4 Car Hire Kampala, this time together with a friend, and we are very happy with the service. Kind, clear and prompt communication, on time service with all the needed support including airport pick up and drop, with the feeling to be assisted at anytime in case of need. Absolutely suggested! Thank you Leonardo and Rogers! I highly recommend this company.

  • Adorjan Adelmo

    Adorjan Adelmo


    Great drivers which i would definitely recommend We had a fantastic time with 4x4 Car Hire Kampala. The pick up from the airport was great and our main driver for the two week trip plus the overseer John were fantastic. Both were extremely friendly and efficient. They both went out of their way to ensure that we did and saw exactly what we wanted to and I cannot emphasize how friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and professional they both were. Irene was very helpful in the lead up whilst I was organizing the trip and kept checking in to ensure that the trip was running smoothly. I would recommend the company and their drivers to anyone wanting to travel around Uganda.

  • Arthur Carreau

    Arthur Carreau


    My wife and I used these guys for a rental car to drive Uganda in January of 2018. They are top notch! I am from the US and have always had a driver when I went to Uganda and wasn't sure what to expect from renting a car in Uganda. Honestly, this was one of the best rental car experiences I've ever had anywhere in the world! The car ran great and we had no problems. They delivered the car on time and were there for pick up on time. I literally do not have one negative thing to say about these guys! We are going back this summer and will without a doubt be using them again. Thank you 4x4 Car Hire Kampala for being awesome! Keep up the good work! -Arthur

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