4x4 Uganda i Nansana

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Uganda4x4 Uganda



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Nansana, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 773 728141
internet side: www.4x4uganda.com
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Latitude: 0.3626143, Longitude: 32.5299321

kommentar 5

  • Johnny Sutherland

    Johnny Sutherland


    Helpful and friendly staff, especially the staff member called Joseph. The car ran well and when we did have an issue they arranged for it to be fixed quickly.

  • Moritz Frey

    Moritz Frey


    45 $ a day for a good old Toyota Rav 4, which was the perfect car for our 1 week trip from Kampala to Kigali. It was possible to pick up the car in Uganda and drop it off in Rwanda (one way fee: 150 $). 4x4 Uganda answered all my mails very quickly and the company's employees were very friendly when we met them during pick up and drop off. I can highly recommend this company!

  • Kaahwa Keneth

    Kaahwa Keneth


    Good for all types of cars for those who would prefer to rent cars

  • jan lugtmeijer

    jan lugtmeijer


    It is more then one year ago, but I still have to give these guys a review. We had a great trip with our 4x4. We drove ourselves, but the service beforehand and during our trip was excellent. We spend quite some time finding a good car company, but I'm very glad we ended up hiring here. The whole process was excelent and straight forward. Thanks again!

  • Gyagenda Stephen

    Gyagenda Stephen


    For the best deals of car renting and can provide driver incase you need one. Travel safely and comfortably with these guys

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