Aer Lounge Kampala Uganda i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaAer Lounge Kampala Uganda



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Windsor Loop Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 755 887227
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.3374329, Longitude: 32.5856617

kommentar 5

  • miki kimo

    miki kimo


    it's authentic and has the Arab vibes which makes you feel like home if your an Arab....and the AMAZING!

  • lily asiimwe

    lily asiimwe


    Since the change of's now Tik Tok Restaurant...the service isn't so good yet. Plus the menu changed yet I'm told it's same management. I believe they need to work on a clearer menu otherwise place is still good and cozy

  • Faisal S.G

    Faisal S.G


    Scenery is beautiful though needs more uplifting interms of gardens and children playground.A swimming pool would be nice too.

  • Frank Odongkara

    Frank Odongkara


    Good food and drinks are medium priced. Has a relaxed atmosphere

  • SB UG

    SB UG


    The Lounge is small n Nice. The highlight of this location is lot of space to sit and enjoy a meal or drinks. The way the levels are structured is really superb. Individual tents. One can enjoy the multi cuisine. The Indian Biriyani and the Parotas are tasty. Fresh air, good food and drinks an evening to spend. They have open kitchen, where one can see what they are cooking.

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