AidChild Equator Shop i Kayabwe

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaAidChild Equator Shop



🕗 åbningstider

Kayabwe, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 780 282697
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Latitude: 0.0003541, Longitude: 32.0400006

kommentar 5

  • Berta Blanch Isern

    Berta Blanch Isern


    Nice place, and wonderful project.

  • Sahil Patel

    Sahil Patel


    Great stop at the Equator for a quick bite and coffee. Not meant to be a place for a full course meal but a rest stop where you can buy some curios as well.

  • Elodie Dubois

    Elodie Dubois


    Friendly and professional staff Service is efficient and the food is good at a fair price Some interesting object and local snacks to shop as well

  • Miles Sedgwick

    Miles Sedgwick


    The best place to stop - grab a photo at the equator line and then support this really worthwhile org. Great food too. ALI does incredibly important work in Uganda.

  • Chambers Federation

    Chambers Federation


    Great place run by great people. Second time through and from the art to the food it’s been a consistently great place to stop. I have to tell you this amazing story. The first time here, about a year and a half ago, we accidentally left our wallet. We called, tried to figure out how to get it back but we didn’t have success, needed to keep driving for our super long road trip. This second time through, again, about a year and a half latter, and guess what, they still had it and best part, every penny still inside. Where in the world would you find this level of integrity and honesty? This wasn’t a small amount of money either! Every shilling still there and they even remembered us from the previous visit. People like this need to be recognized, their goodwill and character applauded to show everyone else where the bar is set, the example to live by. Simply amazing!

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