Ankole tea estate-Mcleod russel i Kitozho

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UgandaAnkole tea estate-Mcleod russel


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Ntungamo - Katunguru Road, Kitozho, Bushenyi, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 772 665214
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Latitude: -0.4198508, Longitude: 30.1117295

kommentar 5

  • Ian Herbs

    Ian Herbs


    This is one of highest classy fresh tea producing factory with highest tea plantation as well as highest number of employees well treated

  • onyango richard

    onyango richard


    Good tea processing facility with real green environment

  • Muhereza Mark

    Muhereza Mark


    Armed with 4 state of the art tea processing lines, Ankole has installed capacity of more than 120 tonnes of green leaf per day. This magnificent facility existing in the most picturesque enclaves of the Kalinzu and Imaramagambo Rainforests is the single largest employer of labour and provides the biggest market for smallholders engaged in tea growing. The latter is the backbone of the Kyamuhunga Subcounty in Bushenyi District. It is Rainforest alliance and ISO 22000 certified assuring production of high quality Black tea that is friendly to nature and the community around.

  • Robert Balikenda

    Robert Balikenda


    Very nice place

  • Nganzi Emmanuel

    Nganzi Emmanuel


    The place is productive and employs alot of local people

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