Bethel Resort & Hotels i Gulu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaBethel Resort & Hotels



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Plot 4 Gordon Lane, Mican, Kanyagoga C subward, Bardege-Layibi Division, Gulu, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 39 3194735
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Latitude: 2.768059, Longitude: 32.2813739

kommentar 5

  • William Esimu

    William Esimu


    Cool quiet and convenient for workshops, meetings, rest and of course they have good food too .

  • Annet Nambooze

    Annet Nambooze


    💯 great experience, very hospitable employees, great customer service, everything is perfection

  • Aniket Paramane

    Aniket Paramane


    Very excellent hotel with good amenities. Rooms are neat and clean, small swimming pool is there. You will have geaser, AC, wardrobe in your rooms. Also, kitchen is available if you want to cook.

  • Franklin Wasswa

    Franklin Wasswa


    The place is well located, the chef is good at his service 5/5 for him, the management is very caring, and give good service, place is clean with well designed rooms/floors, though poor workmanship like the walls are dump on the lower floor (I blame the civil contractor for a poor job). There are window and vet nets. So mosquitos are toooo many (I was there in mid March). There is a choir of mosquitoes every night. I wouldn't go back because of the mosquitoes and I think the cost (140k) of the room is not worth it (personal value for money). Real estate business is hard in Uganda so I give them a 3/5. They try to make the engine run.

  • Otim Chris

    Otim Chris


    This is the ideal place to spend your time, they've got good service, rooms, a pool and they even host parties and celebrations, it a one of a kind

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