Bible World i Kampala

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UgandaBible World


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Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 780 259194
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Latitude: 0.3129826, Longitude: 32.5796674

kommentar 5

  • Olowo Jerome Stowell

    Olowo Jerome Stowell


    Awesome place, most versions are available

  • Jeremie Kasereka

    Jeremie Kasereka


    It contains very many versions of Bibles. I recommend the King James Version Bible for it is the true Word of God

  • Lord's friend.

    Lord's friend.



  • Ruth Natukunda

    Ruth Natukunda


    Great customer care and the variety of books available especially for school going kids is amazing.

  • Buuzabalyawo Simeon Kaye

    Buuzabalyawo Simeon Kaye


    It's my best choice in Kampala city for all my Christian literature and authentic Bibles at pocket friendly prices!! Please give it a try. A number of times I was stranded looking for specific books like "The power of a praying woman" , BNF, "Uganda Clinical Guidelines-UCG", "The Expositor's Bible -KJV" & "The NIV Bible of 1984" I managed to get all of them here and at better prices compared to other places. *Visit this place for all all kinds of printed books and you won't regret!

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