Bikeventures Uganda i Jinja

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UgandaBikeventures Uganda



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Bridge Lane, Jinja, Jinja, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 778 366007
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Latitude: 0.4296446, Longitude: 33.1997961

kommentar 5

  • Joanna Ash

    Joanna Ash


    I stayed at Bikeventures with a group of friends last year and our experience was so positive I decided to come back again this year, and kept extending my stay each night. The staff are wonderful and make you feel very at home. Big thank you to the guards for their security and to Peace, Kathy and Edgar and the whole bike project team! This social enterprise is doing commendable work to help people and the planet, and by booking here you will be supporting Coop-Uganda to help more members of the community access work, health care and education, so it is worthwhile cause besides being a great place to stay. The rooms are kept clean and it is very peaceful. The wifi is great. The shower in the wash room with the bath is abit weak, but otherwise the hostel has everything you need. The best thing about it is the bicycles that you can rent. I rented a mountain bike to go on a once in a lifetime adventure up to Sipi Falls for the week and it didn't let me down! I highly recommend renting a bike from Bikeventures. They are good quality, affordable, and can give you unforgettable memories. They also offer tour guides, which I am sure are an amazing way to explore Jinja's beautiful sights and inclusive for all levels and abilities. Sending lots of love and thanks to the Bikeventures crew!

  • Siny Hollewand

    Siny Hollewand


    We did the historica bike tour. The mountainbikes were in very good condition. We got two very friendly guides who gave suffient information. The tour leaded to historical places as well as seeiing the daily live of the rich and the poor people. It took about 2 hours. We could advice it to you.

  • dzbanov



    Nice place to stay. There is hot water, WiFi, kitchen and the rooms are clean. The only problem I had was the bed matress - it was really uncomfortable. Just after lying in the bed for 10minutes, the matress was collapsing, so I had to sleep in a hole. Also, the beds are a bit to short for a person over 180cm tall.

  • Jacqui Webster

    Jacqui Webster


    We got the bikes serviced here but I also checked out the rooms - there’s a double or 4bunks or dorm - which are great budget options for bicycle travellers. Lovely team

  • Doug McPherson

    Doug McPherson


    We had an excellent 2-day tour with our guide Henry, who really knew the area and who was always helpful and a pleasure to spend time with. We stayed at a place called The Haven selected by Bikeventures and it was definitely the nicest place I have stayed in over the past week (which is saying something, as nothing has been bad), with a beautiful view of a set of rapids on the Nile and fantastic huts for the guests. The ride was a tough one (for me, at least) but we saw an incredibly diverse range of scenery, taking in villages, hills and fields of crops of different kinds (not to mention of course the Nile at different points). The first day we covered 48 km - not sure about day 2, but something similar. For an adventurous ride and one that really shows you a broad range of scenery in Uganda, highly recommended!

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