British High Commission Kampala i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaBritish High Commission Kampala



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Plot 4, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 31 2312000
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.3364703, Longitude: 32.5843347

kommentar 5




    Loved it

  • Kato Ibrahim

    Kato Ibrahim


    I liked everything about this place including security and the environment. I really loved the architect behind the construction of their buildings. It's great to have you here in Uganda because it has helped many citizens to access visas to your country.

  • Sseguya bashir

    Sseguya bashir


    I love it

  • Gyagenda Stephen

    Gyagenda Stephen


    Just entering the Place is a high mood feeling due to the security, and nice looking place this is. The Home of the British people in uganda gives a highlight of what you find back home in their country its great to have it here

  • Philip Jackson

    Philip Jackson


    Modern facilities and one of the most heavily guarded locations in Kampala. British taxpayers seem to have paid a lot of money for this complex, but at least we can be secure when inside! Great location though!

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