Cafe Delish i Mukono

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UgandaCafe Delish



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Mandagåben 24 timer
Nobel PLaza,Opposite Equity Bank Mukono,Kampala Road Next to Central Police Station, Mukono, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 200 908137
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.362247, Longitude: 32.7442752

kommentar 5

  • A. C. Miller Sengendo

    A. C. Miller Sengendo


    Great food. Full of flavor. Coffee comes so dark it is nearly chewable. I’ve come frequently but and noticed waiters are continually trying to up sell me. I ask for 1 and they bring and charge for 2. They water down some of their juices and give them fancy names at higher prices. It’s not a comfortable place to be if those servicing the place are like the ones in the street. Streets have better prices.

  • Peace Ella Abaasa

    Peace Ella Abaasa


    Cafe Delish is the only great food and hang out place I can recommend in Mukono so far. It has delicious pizza. The ambiance is great and the service is on point. However, if many customers order for the same dish, particularly pizza on a day they have an offer, there is a delay in getting your food. I suggest you call them in advance and let them know so that by the time you get there, you can get your order on time. Other than that, I highly recommend especially for those who don't travel to Kampala much. They only deliver to places really close to their location.

  • Smooth Via

    Smooth Via


    I just visited this place on a recent trip passing through Mukono. I was waiting on someone and was looking for a place to sit and drink coffee. I haven't tried their food but their cafe Americano was was quite good, not the best I've ever had but for sure the best coffee I've had in Mukono. The service was excellent and quick. The atmosphere is nice except that it is along the main road which is always quite noisy. Nevertheless, I don't fault them for this because the location is excellent. They have both outside and inside seating. I will definitely repeat next time I am in Mukono.

  • d_taddei2



    Food is reasonable. But only issue is dust being next to road doesn't help. Although staff do know of the issue as they keep wiping the tables it would be better to relocate.

  • Prince Philip

    Prince Philip


    Hidden gem in the heart of Mukono. Best seller item is the fruit platter!! The chef is excellent too..

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