Café Javas i Entebbe

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaCafé Javas



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Berkeley Road, Entebbe, Wakiso, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 31 3720000
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Latitude: 0.0663809, Longitude: 32.4762628

kommentar 5

  • Sven Krueger

    Sven Krueger


    A very nice Restaurant it was our 4th visit here and I like it. The food is really good. The waiters pay you attention, some times they come to quick and take the plates away. They clean everything in short interval. If the big windows are open you can see and here the animals in the near trees.

  • Mark “McCain” Wandyaka

    Mark “McCain” Wandyaka


    I have plenty of dinings at Cafe Javas and it’s never disappointed me. Excellent and comes on time. You will never notice you made an order even 😂😂. Yesterday I had this peanut butter and chocolate milkshake and it was excellent, having been there many times, I have grown accustomed to their products and I am not moved anymore but this particular milkshake I had not tasted and when I did, it really moved me. It was excellent. So in this review I Will recommend you taste it. 🥰

  • Jeff Campbell

    Jeff Campbell


    This is the go to place to eat! The food is always fantastic, great service and friendly atmosphere.

  • Scot Sample

    Scot Sample


    Hands down one of the best places to go and eat. The service was top notch. Literally had someone standing by our table the whole time who would get us whatever we needed. The food came out very fast and did not disappoint.

  • John Paul Muvunyi

    John Paul Muvunyi


    Beautiful place with delicious meals and amazing service providers. Loved the chicken & frensh flies meal, and the juice and ice cream are soooo fantamaglorious.

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