Cafe Marrie i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaCafe Marrie



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Namugongo Road, Kampala, Wakiso, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 704 232840
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Latitude: 0.3756447, Longitude: 32.643283

kommentar 5

  • Charles George (Walker)

    Charles George (Walker)


    They could do better with their menu options, service and presentation.

  • Richard Katatumba

    Richard Katatumba


    Excellent food 😋 👌... Although I asked for spicy pork ribs and was given sweet n sour instead

  • Angura Joseph

    Angura Joseph


    Simple but nice place to be. The meals are prepared I would say by some of the best chefs in town, and they serve the best Dawa tea in town. I haven't tested anything better than theirs yet.

  • Robb Pierce

    Robb Pierce


    They have a nice environment, fair prices, large menu, and friendly staff but the pizza was terrible. Instead of a tomato sauce it appears they used Top-Up sauce, the stuff that poses as ketchup but isn’t even close. What a disgrace to pizza. Terrible terrible terrible. I might try eating here again, but never again the pizza.

  • Paul Atwine

    Paul Atwine


    Cafe Marie has a spacious ambience with has a cushy lounge area for groups & cozy booths for smaller groups or couples. The menu is an easy read with a variety of affordable & well categorized food & beverages. I live in the neighborhood so I often get pastries & coffee from here.

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