Cakely Uganda by Asha Batenga i Kampala

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UgandaCakely Uganda by Asha Batenga



🕗 åbningstider

Plot 48, Naguru Avenue, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 703 692310
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.3351421, Longitude: 32.6103123

kommentar 5




    It's a great dining place for groups and families. Great place for celebrations if less than 30

  • Monica Rukundo

    Monica Rukundo


    Ambience was good, service was good, potions were plentiful

  • Namaganda Vivian

    Namaganda Vivian


    Its a beautiful and convenient place ready to host any body, there services are lit holding favourable prices The place can easily be located in Naguru opposite Uganda police right after legends rugby ground. The place has a parking lot that could hundle 6-13 cars. Adults and kids are catered for. The amazing part is that it has a separate convinent venue to hold parties like birthdays, baby showers etc etc. I would hight recommend this place.😊

  • Mucyo Alè

    Mucyo Alè


    They have really great food. The last time I was there I had a beef rolex but damn...😋🤤 it's definitely the best rolex in town right now. Also grate service from the The boy Moses.🔥

  • Bob Oganga

    Bob Oganga


    Cakely by Asha Batenga You gotta love this place if you're a person that loves to dine and have a good time The ambience, the food potions, the rates, the ample parking for those who drive or own cars, safety- secure... I can go on and on, but you gotta go there and experience what Cakely by Asha Batenga offers right from meals to pastries 🍰 😋

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