Club el Tanjia i Mbale

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UgandaClub el Tanjia



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Plot 9, Cathedral, Mbale, Mbale, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 772 191261
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 1.0723122, Longitude: 34.1765927

kommentar 5

  • Herbert Kisara

    Herbert Kisara


    The club is within town. However entering it was dark and one had to go through dark stairways. The building looked old and the space it is really tight. Might be good for those who like such places however, if one is conscious about their safety this is a place I would not recommend in the event their is safety issue. Though they place nice music and it's conveniently located in town.

  • Sarah Nabaggala

    Sarah Nabaggala


    Club Eltanjia is an amazing place with great music selection, except that their sound system needs to be upgraded and they need to set their prices because their workers charge whichever amount they feel like.

  • pennie valeria

    pennie valeria


    Needs a change in atmosphere Make it look more appealing to the public It has been the same for some good yrs

  • lamony paul

    lamony paul


    It's a cool place to go to for a night club

  • Aliguma Ahabyona Akiiki

    Aliguma Ahabyona Akiiki


    Good one on Sunday, not so good on Friday. Thou they have the best music, nice reggae

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