Dimmys Food Court i Mubende

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaDimmys Food Court



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Kifuufu Road off Mubende High way, Mubende, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 758 286036
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Latitude: 0.5549105, Longitude: 31.3943627

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Agaba

    Andrew Agaba


    Affordable rates and if u have a good taste for spicy food, This is a place for you.

  • Lisa Nakachwa

    Lisa Nakachwa


    The place is cool, delicious food and good service . Dimmys is the place to be around mubende

  • musinguzi robert

    musinguzi robert


    Great customet care.. fast and friendly. Has a great comfortable atmosphere for a calm meal.. very accessible to the public on the road side.

  • Kasozi Achilles

    Kasozi Achilles


    Offering the best foods in Mubende, with one the most responsive staff and reliable service. The facilities are too fascinating with an aesthetic environment. The prices are friendly too. While in Mubende, don't hesitate visiting this place for a better service

  • Isaac Onyait

    Isaac Onyait


    Dimmys Food Court, beautiful place, it’s quite small but it’s well deserving to spend time on especially in the evenings. It’s very close to the road and you can jump from the high way mubende fort-portal Kampala highway. So if you’re in for fast foods and takeaway, you’re in for a right place. Compared with other fast food places like Flavors and Spices in the town, I find their prices a little bit elevated, but I think this is primarily coz of its proximity to the town compared to Flavors which is like 1km away from town. I have been here 3 times in the weekends. They provide some offers and discounts in the middle of the week, so you can always get some things like pizza at a lower price. It has an outside seating with enough seatings. Their is space inside too and down is the hall for events like birthday parties, meetings and conferences. Not ideal for this massive meetings, can take up to 30 people in the room, we actually had a birthday party here. The food is delicious, with a few foods like fries, chicken, fish, rice, goats meat, beef, pizza. Am not sure about local food. If you’re also in for drinking, tequila and any alcoholic drink, their you go. If you don’t, chill juices are their for you. Don’t forget their is breakfast, lunch, dinner with food and snacks along by. The place stays open up to 9pm coz of curfew rules. So according to me and our standards here, it’s 4/5 stars. Yeah you can bring your kids and family here for a quick snack. Thank you. HOPE THIS HELPS

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