Divine Mercy Hospital (Father Bash Foundation) i Mbarara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaDivine Mercy Hospital (Father Bash Foundation)



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9JPW+M9V, Mbarara, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256
internet side: frbashfoundation.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -0.6132642, Longitude: 30.6459306

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Arinda

    Daniel Arinda


    Best place ever to give birth from. Professional Gaenacoligists, Friendly Midwives and all staff members are an amazing team. I would recommend all women in Mbarara to consider this place for their Maternity and Birth place.

  • Kisitu Arnold Kezron

    Kisitu Arnold Kezron


    I've all my needs taken care everytime i visited

  • Titus Turinawe

    Titus Turinawe


    Divine mercy hospital is one private hospital with professional patient care with the best customer service & best specialists in Mbarara

  • John Mary

    John Mary


    Welcoming.... Drs and nurses are professional... Classic services... Spiritual matters are well facilitated too.

  • Deathly Hallow

    Deathly Hallow


    Dear reader, I was at this Hospital yesterday and I must say, the level of unprofessionalism and disorganization I witnessed is abhorring! The reason I’m giving it two stars instead of 1 is because of the poor Doctor that attended to me. He was good, caring and professional but a mere Pharmacist (who I’m guessing has worked at the hospital longer than the Doctor) interrupted my consultation and ended it there and then! He ordered the Doctor to go and attend to a different patient before he was finished with me! 😳 Now, I paid to see a Physician (not an MD) but was taken to an MD instead. And then my consultation was interrupted THRICE! First by two nurses who came to whisper something to the Doctor and then by the “Senior” who came and ended it! Please, don’t waste your time AND Money going to this place!

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