Embassy Suites Mbarara i Mbarara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaEmbassy Suites Mbarara



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Plot 352, Mubangizi Rd Ruharo Village opposite Road to, Ruharo Cathedral, Mbarara, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 777 065018
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Latitude: -0.612376, Longitude: 30.6308972

kommentar 5

  • nekesa veronica

    nekesa veronica


    Very homey and flexible.

  • Yumiko



    Very friendly staff with a clean room with relatively warm shower available. Located in the residential area, it is a bit far from the center of town. Have great food and reasonable breakfast! Only catch was some customers can be a bit noisy at night and hotel staff may be reluctant to keep the noise down. Stayed two nights and the first night was very quiet but the second night was.. I would like to stay again despite that. Love firm mattress too! Secure car park.

  • Denis Wamala

    Denis Wamala


    Very warm and awesome customer care, from the reception personnel (i didn't get their names: the lady and the gentleman, and the restaurant gentleman: Sept 18-20 2019). Thank you so much guys. Good & Quiet atmosphere, Comfy beds, Warm water. WiFi was okay most of the time tho. But generally, its an awesome experience there. Keep it up Embassy.

  • Iris Z

    Iris Z


    We enjoyed our stay the bed was quite comfortable and it was quiet at night. The shower had great pressure and good hot water. The staff were friendly. The walls are a bit thin and when someone started sweeping outside at 7 am we could hear it quite loudly inside our room.

  • Angela Moraa Keng'ara

    Angela Moraa Keng'ara


    Took a trip with my friends to the Western Region of Uganda n rested here for four nights and boy... this place is just 'Home away from home :-)'. Soft-sound music, delicious meals, very clean and spacious rooms, warm-welcoming service... Keep up the good work!

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