Endiro Coffee i Kampala

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UgandaEndiro Coffee



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Plot 23B, Cooper Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 39 3515322
internet side: www.endirocoffee.com
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Latitude: 0.3390561, Longitude: 32.58811

kommentar 5

  • George Matua

    George Matua


    Nice location, interior, though quite noisy as it is near the road and cars with bodas are passing by quite often. The atmosphere did not help my rating so much as the food was so fatty and not healthy at all, though waffles are quite good. Most likely we will not come back for breakfast. Have not tried lunch or dinner yet.

  • Priscilla Spaeth (Priscilla Kamsin)

    Priscilla Spaeth (Priscilla Kamsin)


    I just went here for the first time a week ago, and I was truly pleased with the food and the service. The food was definitely better than I expected from a "coffee shop." I ordered the cassava fries, and the Thai wrap. The cassava fries were beyond amazing, and I can't wait to go back and order it again.




    I went for an African coffee but found variety that made me change my preference

  • Yvonne Zabu

    Yvonne Zabu


    The food is okay but what Endiro really wins is an overall fantastic ambiance for the young professional. It’s perfect to sit and get your work done with a cup of coffee, have a business meeting, meet with friends or find out fun things to do around the city. They’re also a Rokespot so if you’re looking for good , fast, unlimited internet for a reasonable price then it’s the perfect place.

  • Matt Ward

    Matt Ward


    WONDERFUL PLACE! Seriously good coffee. I cannot believe how well the latte was made. The ambiance is also perfection. In a crazy city like Kampala, I felt that I found an oasis amongst the Chaos. This is my new favorite place!

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