Entebbe International Airport i Entebbe

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaEntebbe International Airport


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5536 Kampala Road, Entebbe, Wakiso, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4352000
internet side: entebbe-airport.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.0435913, Longitude: 32.4417943

kommentar 5

  • en

    A Google User


    Thus far 3rd worst airport in the world I have been after Lagos - Nigeria and Khartoum -Sudan. Poor handling of passengers flow right from the entry gate by security guard whom do not allow entry into airport security check point 3 hours before flight. Staff at Kenya airways check in counter is not friendly at all. Do not response to questions ask. Only 1 immigration counter is open despite long queue and it's typical arrogant attitude from the officer. Humid and poor ventilation inside airport. We paid airport tax for a service not for discomfort, furthermore this is the main gateway where Uganda received foreign guests into their country. Long way to go for mentality change in how to provide top class services. If you can't change don't expect people to pay for your services happily

  • popularmmos chanell

    popularmmos chanell


    When your leaving the airport the expirience is great but when you are coming there from a different country it is bitterly booring

  • Irshad Mirza

    Irshad Mirza


    Nice airport , need to improve more , but very simple and east to navigate, nice shopping at waiting area and in duty free , very nice and fare prizes , but need have some guest are where departure and arrival guest can wait , u can't stand any ware office will distrub you , but very cooperative and very responsible staff ,

  • 이지희



    Recetly it is organized. Complex road near here caz still establishment. You should go to airport ealry more than you consider.

  • en

    Ronni Field


    Small airport which makes it easy to navigate around. I love the selection of duty free shops and what they offer. The prices are fair. I didn't like the customs officer though, she had hungry eyes....... corruption in most African countries truly begins at the airport.

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