Equity Bank | Wandegeya Branch i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaEquity Bank | Wandegeya Branch



🕗 åbningstider

Bombo Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 31 2263422
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Latitude: 0.3325311, Longitude: 32.5734245

kommentar 5

  • sydney katenta musaazi

    sydney katenta musaazi


    It's always busy but good.

  • Nayiga Rehmah

    Nayiga Rehmah


    For the bank itself Is good but the problem is on the security personnels who don't have any respect for people.. the way they approach clients is not that good mostly this short guy they need to style up 🥺🥺🥺 he doesn't give any respect to people coz many people wea complaining

  • Nyivuru Resper

    Nyivuru Resper


    For the most days I have been to this branch of Wandegeya during the week. The ques for the teller services has been so crazy. I was glad to know they introduced a machine for cash deposits that made life easier. I highly recommend you also ease the pains of the ques to other services like opening an account, getting a new debit card and so on. The last time I visited was on Saturday and I was amazed by the fact that there are almost no ques. That made me decide to only visiting on Saturdays 🤸🐾

  • David Kuteesa

    David Kuteesa


    Nice and easily accessible. Hard to find parking available but the streets around all have city parking management.

  • debbie ntege

    debbie ntege


    It's a good location for people who are not disabled or are not driving. Just getting parking is a nightmare. I went with a disabled person but the experience was exhausting. The askaris were helpful though. The queues seem to be long always and at times you seem to get lost on what to do. If it's not for the askaris I bet you can be stranded at one point

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