Flowers and Gifts Uganda i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaFlowers and Gifts Uganda



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1001 Ggaba Road, 7615 Kampala, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 772 426323
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Latitude: 0.3000669, Longitude: 32.5940948

kommentar 5

  • christine deakin

    christine deakin


    Lovely flowers delivered next day & very helpful as ordering from UK

  • Lazarus Mpembe

    Lazarus Mpembe


    I live in NewZealand just met this beautiful lady in Kampala. Having thoughts of spoiling her with the bouquet of flowers including the birthday cake. Bare in mind I don’t know anyone whom I can trust and ask to do all that for me. I saw these guys online flowers in Uganda they made it so easy for me to put a smile in my baby’s face. Their customer service and willingness to meet beyond customer satisfaction is so amazing. I highly recommended them to anyone. I will certainly use their service again and again. L Mackenzie

  • Costantino Tessarin

    Costantino Tessarin


    I live in Italy and ordered roses in a glass vase and chocolates online for my wife who lives in Uganda. The staff at HelloUganda were so kind and understanding. When the flowers arrived there were even more than I had ordered, so a very generous display. It is now a week later and the flowers are still fresh. Excellent service. I will definitely refer you to all people.

  • Alfred Rutta

    Alfred Rutta


    Good customer experience

  • Valentine Sword

    Valentine Sword


    You will get all types of flowers you need at an affordable price. I love their flowers

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