Forest Park Resort Buloba i Kampala

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UgandaForest Park Resort Buloba



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Mityana road, Buloba, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 753 005141
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Latitude: 0.3206557, Longitude: 32.4748966

kommentar 5

  • Sophie Wairimu

    Sophie Wairimu


    The customer experience was horrible. The staff doesn't care. The food was horrible. And I couldn't even get salt. The drinks were horrible - Smirnoff Ice bottles were all rusted. And the waitress tried to get me to accept it We ordered for dougnuts and over one hr later is when we were told they had ran out There werent enough costumes for paint ball despite booking in advance. And what we got was torn. It started raining while on one of those rotating things. We were later hawled up in a tent nearby stranded and drenched and the staff didn't care. The washrooms were dirty from morning and no one was maintaining them I went with a company, and I would NEVER recommend this place to anyone including a corporate. I was completely disgusted at every level!

  • Aaron Kagoda

    Aaron Kagoda


    Our orders took 3 hours to be filled!! However, other activities like boat paddling, Ziplining, merry go round are a must do while at the park. Toilets are clean

  • Princess Cherish Kabbyanga

    Princess Cherish Kabbyanga


    The food order takes 3 hours to come, when it finally comes it is tasteless/saltless. The Chef needs to improve his touch. The fish has no salt, the chicken grill is a fake then the oven grilled goats meat is a pitya. We ordered for 16 plates, we were given 15 and the waitress insisted they were 16. One of the orders was chips Masala the waitress (name withheld) said the chef doesn't make it we change the order, but that was after the three hours. What an unpleasant experience at Forest Park Buloba 😭😭😭

  • Nakibuuka Esther

    Nakibuuka Esther


    I hated the fact that we had to pay entrance fee yet we were going to eat. It felt like double taxation. The food arrived fast which made me happy. Within about 10 min of making our orders, the food was served

  • kahunde lilian

    kahunde lilian


    Forest park is great for adventure for the whole family. Can accommodate any kind of party. The cottages are great. Get a weekend away and enjoy a number of activities in one spacious and organizes place. Work or group retreats are catered to as well. The games are amazing, the zip line is one of them. Go and have funnnnnn.......

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