Game Kampala i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaGame Kampala



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Lugogo By-Pass Plot 2-8, Lugugo Mall, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 31 2350400
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Latitude: 0.3267491, Longitude: 32.6070262

kommentar 5

  • Askar Abdul

    Askar Abdul


    Nice place to shopping!!

  • Parker Johan

    Parker Johan


    game is very beautiful i like it. Bad ice cream 3 on hudgames

  • Syed Niaz

    Syed Niaz


    Game is the name of supermarket it is located in lugogo mall in kampala, that mall has game superket and shopwrite supermarket then cafe java ,kfc and many more, it is a good place for weakend.

  • Danny Scarangella

    Danny Scarangella


    Interesting hodgepodge of South African home and cosmetic, and grocery items. Not a one stop shop as they have no perishables (dairy, veg etc), but Game is a place to find things that other shops do not have. In particular I frequent their gardening and sports sections. I really like oodling over their selection of barbeques, though I am yet to purchase one. There is something for everyone at this shop.

  • ahumuza irene

    ahumuza irene


    Great place to shop especially for electric gadgets and electronics as they come with a warranty. Good customer care from the attendants. Not crowded

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