Golden Courts Hotel i Arua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaGolden Courts Hotel



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Arua, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 786 391876
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Latitude: 3.0162012, Longitude: 30.9207555

kommentar 5

  • Andriy Z

    Andriy Z


    I think, this is the best hotel in Arua. Food is good, staff is friendly, everything is clean.

  • sal sanchez

    sal sanchez


    Great food the food here is the best. The burgers here are like home, great pizza and my wife loves the goat curry.

  • Terry Karungi

    Terry Karungi


    We went just for dinner. The service wasn't the best but the food was amazing. Drinks took forever to brought to our table- had to go to the bar. Otherwise, good fish!

  • David Millard

    David Millard


    This hotel is actually one of the best available anywhere in the area. That being said, one must still adjust expectations according to local standards. Many people come here for a nice dinner. The pizza is the best I've had in the area, and the price is reasonable. Outdoor restaurant seating is beautiful. Drinks are cold, and a separate bar area is available. Accommodation is great, though more expensive than other locations around. I understand that they have good airport shuttle service as well. Be aware that this type of establishment certainly attracts travellers, NGOs and government types.

  • Gilberto Kohn

    Gilberto Kohn


    Good rooms, good food, good service and friendly people. Best place in town!

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