Hands Of Brama Massage Clinic i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaHands Of Brama Massage Clinic


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Bukoto, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 704 106282
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Latitude: 0.3549519, Longitude: 32.5950445

kommentar 5

  • Cate Namyalo Mpairwe

    Cate Namyalo Mpairwe


    Very professional, I had a great time

  • Faith Ighala

    Faith Ighala


    Great way to relax and feel happy after a busy stressful week. My therapist was calm and nice.Thanks to hands of Brama.Highly recommend and be sure to see me again.

  • josephine nyakach

    josephine nyakach


    Excellent service ..100% recommend you to try it out. Will surely be back soon

  • Natasha Kamikazi

    Natasha Kamikazi


    I was pleasantly surprised by the mobile service. It is amazing that you are able to get such treatment at the comfort of your home😍 I was particularly happy with my masseuse Joyce; She was very bubbly and patient, and gave me a soothing body scrub and hot stone massage which was much needed after a long week. Can’t wait to try them out again! 100% recommend👍🏽

  • Nahamya Benritah

    Nahamya Benritah


    The massage was so relaxing.. I haven't experienced this type of massage before. The girls are so professional and respectful. Will surely be back.

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