Igongo Country Hotel and Cultural Centre i Mbarara

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UgandaIgongo Country Hotel and Cultural Centre



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Mbarara - Masaka Road, Mbarara, Mbarara, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 776 722828
internet side: www.igongo.co.ug
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Latitude: -0.5205928, Longitude: 30.7399432

kommentar 5

  • James Okurut

    James Okurut


    I loved the serene environment. The team has done an incredible job maintaining the compound. The museum, aaah, fascinating history. Igongo is a must go to place for all. The security team was so welcoming. My people enjoyed taking photographs. We had a fantastic time.

  • Joshua



    The place is just perfect,,, even a grumpy tourist would be happy after the meals and accommodation.. the Biharwe Equinox monument across makes everything more spectacular. The service team is incredible too... tour guides get free food I love it now 😆

  • Emily Desjardins

    Emily Desjardins


    Had a lovely stay at the Igongo Country Hotel! This hotel is very upscale for the area and the rooms are very private / secure. Our room had a beautiful patio, an AC unit (which is rare), and a spacious bathroom with plenty of hot water. The staff was very nice and made sure we had everything we needed during our stay. The hotel also has several amenities (pool, spa, exercise facility, and outdoor bar area). I would recommend to anyone visiting the area.

  • Cher



    Good service, great staff, very helpful and friendly. My first room had aircon which could not switch on but they switched my rooms anyway. The hotel bed is very comfortable and I slept well. There's also sauna and steam room which I thoroughly enjoyed Enjoyed my stay here. Would recommend !

  • Christopher Miller

    Christopher Miller


    Good location, nice rooms. Service is helpful. We traveled in a group and stayed in multiple rooms. Some rooms did not have hot water and some bathrooms had sewer gas smell. Really, great location and service. This info is passed on for your info. Obviously, if you are staying in Uganda you are adventurous and not bothered by these minor issues. The museum on the grounds is worth a few minutes to go through.

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