Ihamba Lakeside Safari Lodge i Kasese

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UgandaIhamba Lakeside Safari Lodge



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Kasese Town Plot 1, Kahendero Primary School, Kasese, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 39 3513675
internet side: ihambasafarilodge.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.0611234, Longitude: 30.0532875

kommentar 5

  • Saul Ampeire

    Saul Ampeire


    Very good place to be with Nice breath from lake George, while in Queen Elizabeth National park do not hesitate to book with them

  • Joram Jadwong Jr

    Joram Jadwong Jr


    Fabulous lodge with Great views of the plains and lake... Right in Queen Elizabeth National Park... The staff are great and the food is delicious. Nice place to relax after a long days game drive.

  • Murtaza Aziz

    Murtaza Aziz


    When entering, the Reception area looked dull, however after being escorted to our cottages, we were very happy. Good setup. Big bathroom. Jacuzzi. Exciting place. Hippos come around the compound by the night for grazing. Owner also very helpful and kind.

  • Sabrina Fernandez

    Sabrina Fernandez


    Really enjoyed my stay there. Rooms are very spacious, bathroom is the best with hot tube and wide shower. Rooms have great view to the lake and a great terrace. The swimming pool is nice as well. Staff is very attentive, polite and nice. Food was good and served in huge quantity. Décoration was of the lounge is nice. Hippos come very close during the night which is a nice and impressive experience. Totally recommend this lodge !

  • Jonathan Bennion-Pedley

    Jonathan Bennion-Pedley


    I loved this hotel. We booked last minute, turned up early, and asked them to sort out boat trips and a game drive. Julius was phenomenally helpful and sorted everything. Cottages are huge, setting is fantastic, food was great and it is reasonably priced. Heartily recommended and we will return.

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