I&M Bank Main Branch i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaI&M Bank Main Branch



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6A, Kampala Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 800 144551
internet side: www.imbankgroup.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.3121599, Longitude: 32.5855702

kommentar 5

  • Ketrah Nassaka

    Ketrah Nassaka


    Always get timely help and the staffs I have interacted with are professional ( Entebbe branch).

  • Irene La

    Irene La


    The most miserable customer service. You walk in and no body cares or takes the trouble to find out what you want. So slow, the only thing seen in vicinity are young women either swinging on their office chairs, by passing you in high heels and barking while weighing how you much you are worth. Honestly the time I spent in this bank I would have travelled to Mbale and back, the time you enter the bank you forget about your other errands... Oh my what a bank! 🙌🏿🙌🏿. In 2023, digitalisation can't be embraced??? The manager dissapeared when I tried to complain. If this is happening in the main branch what of the side branches???? Jinja faces the same troubles

  • Brian Mali

    Brian Mali


    Formerly Orient Bank,I&M bank is a regional player and a fast growing bank.Service is good and parking is ample.The cue is not long.

  • Moses Adams

    Moses Adams


    Orient bank is a leading Private sector commercial bank in Uganda since 1993. Its steady growth over the last 20years can be attributed to its professional management and prudent Lending and investment policy.

  • Anitha Nduwawe

    Anitha Nduwawe


    Am so interested in your medical insurance unfortunately the person in one of your branches who promised to give me a call for details has not called. Imagine i even called she was like let me get back to you but in vain! So sad...

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